Macro Intelligence Report • Real Estate Intelligence Report

In today’s turbulent and volatile market, investors need help. They need quality intelligence to make investment decisions. They need GAMMA INTELLIGENCE.

Gamma Investment Research

Results Driven – Results Focused

Institutional quality investment research for individual and institutional investors
Independent, Unbiased, Accurate, Often Contrarian, Actionable, Accountable, Affordable

Our research, opinions, and recommendations are based on our Gamma Global Macro Model that has been in use continually for over 40 years.

Our reports are independent, unbiased, accurate, often contrarian, actionable, accountable and affordable.

Our edge comes from our unique analytical framework that systematically exploits small, nonlinear information advantages while avoiding catastrophic losses due to irrational investor behavior.

The Gamma Investment Research Program is a powerful and unique set of tools for investors serious about protecting and growing their wealth.

The Program was developed in the early 1980’s and has been successfully traded at one of the largest banks in Europe, at a premier U.S. institutional asset management firm, and as the basis of a $400 million global macro hedge fund.

The Program’s edge is its proprietary nonlinear econometric model that has accurately predicted major trends and inflection points for stocks, stock indexes, bonds, foreign currencies, and commodities.

The Program targets superior performance by combining unique market insights with key information advantages while avoiding catastrophic losses due to irrational market behavior.

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