Macro Intelligence Report • Real Estate Intelligence Report

In today’s turbulent and volatile market, investors need help. They need quality intelligence to make investment decisions. They need GAMMA INTELLIGENCE.


Welcome to Gamma Investment Research

  • The Gamma Investment Research Program, through our Gamma Intelligence Reports, provides specific investment recommendations and concise, institutional quality research on stocks, stock indexes, fixed income, currencies, commodities, and the economy based on our Gamma Global Macro Model.
  • The Gamma Global Macro Model is a proprietary nonlinear econometric algorithm that predicts how the interaction between market fundamentals and investor emotions and biases determines future prices and economic and financial developments.
  • Our research, opinions, and recommendations are based on our Gamma Global Macro Model that has been in use continually for over 40 years. Our reports are independent, unbiased, data driven, often contrarian, actionable, and affordable.
  • Our edge comes from our unique analytical framework that systematically exploits small, nonlinear information advantages while avoiding catastrophic losses due to irrational investor behavior.
  • The result is a forecasting approach that we believe does a superior job of predicting long term trends and major inflection points well before they occur compared to the hundreds of other models and approaches that we’ve analyzed over the last four decades.
  • Our investment approach is not a “get rich quick” scheme. We don’t promise to be 90% correct on our calls, to have predicted every major bear market since 1900, or to have bought Apple or Amazon at $10. Why not? Because beating the market is HARD. Millions of investors spend billions of dollars each year looking for an investing “edge.” That ensures that markets rarely offer large, low-risk, and unexploited profit opportunities.
  • The Gamma Global Macro Model is based on our core philosophy that risk matters – a lot. Most investment managers and advisors focus on returns. But high returns can be generated with concentrated positions, leverage, and luck. All three can inflict serious damage on a portfolio when the market turns against you.
  • Controlling risk is essential to successful investing. Large losses cost not only money but time. Time is the one thing that an investor can’t get back, and time is critical to investment success due to compounding. If an investor in 1973 had simply managed to cut the 50% drop in stock prices in 1974, 2001, and 2008 in half, the cumulative compounded return over 47 years would have been 2.1 times higher!  Even small reductions in risk can substantially boost long term returns.

Reports are updated monthly.  Reports and supporting research tables, charts, and data are available via e-mail and on our website.

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